2009 Lake Waramaug Sprint Triathlon  

 Friday June 19, 2009 | New Preston, CT  | Source: Platt Systems
Timing by: Platt Systems : Results: Individual | Relays

                                       Platt Systems Official Reporting System
                          Lake Waramuag Sprint Triathlon Results Posted to www.plattsys.com 
             Platt Systems 860-645-1476 USAT Sanctioned || Overall: Tim Steiskal | Aubrey Fleszar   

OVERALL                                                              WAVE   DIVISION |--- SWIM--| |---T1  --||-- BIKE --||---T2  --||--- RUN  --|WA  
PLC    -----------          MEMBERS        ------------              TIME   PLC/TOT   RANK  SPLIT RANK SPLIT RANK  SPLIT RANK SPLIT RANK  SPLIT  VE BIB 
====  ========================== ==== ===== =====================  =======  ========   ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  ===== ==== ===== ====  =====  == =====
  1    Bob Harrington - Pete Hogarty - Dominic Lampisi ( 75)       1:09:57    1/16     10   10:34   17   :42   20   39:24   7   :27    1   18:50  1   75   
  2    Mike Piersall - Pat Shambelan - Nich Velseboer ( 130)       1:14:48    2/16     14   10:44    7   :30   67   43:32  11   :28    5   19:34  1   130  
  3    Craig Gluff - Ed Reagan - Thomas Meehan ( 73)               1:15:11    3/16     12   10:42   10   :33   85   44:37   4   :23    2   18:56  1   73   
  4    Dawn Dall - Jeanne Kellachan - William Seibert ( 30)        1:16:36    4/16      2   10:06    6   :29   52   41:59   3   :22   46   23:40  1   30   
  5    Lisa Shambelan - Clarles Shambelan - Thomas kelly           1:17:15    5/16     47   12:44    3   :26   74   44:04   2   :21    6   19:40  1   143  
  6    Carrie Rowe - Matt Laskowski - David Dodge ( 78)            1:19:39    6/16     82   14:22    1   :23   54   42:19   6   :26   23   22:09  1   78   
  7    August, Steve, Matthew *Relay ** Wave, Late                 1:23:24    7/16     77   14:00   77  1:32  109   46:30   1   :21   17   21:01  2   246  
  8    Robert,William, Robert *Relay ** Wolcott CT                 1:24:56    8/16    197   18:48   11   :33   39   41:08   9   :28   53   23:59  1   244  
  9    Cody, Joe, Griffin *Relay ** from Washington CT             1:26:01    9/16      4   10:18    8   :30  197   54:46  13   :29    8   19:58  1   234  
  10   Allison Fulton - Andrea Lawrence - Thomas Tazza ( 6)        1:27:05   10/16     24   11:51    9   :31   27   39:49  18   :30  200   34:24  1   6    
  11   Palome, Joey, Jim *Relay*  99R       New Preston CT         1:28:51   11/16    127   15:37   19   :43  150   49:07  16   :29   35   22:55  1   239  
  12   Jay Demarcken - Tonya Hills - Tonya Hills ( 152)            1:32:34   12/16    111   15:04   12   :35  175   51:37  26   :33   67   24:45  1   152  
  13   Daryl Strauss - Jamie Branch - Elise Green ( 147)           1:35:20   13/16    105   14:54    2   :25  155   49:24   5   :24  162   30:13  1   147  
  14   Lilly Rodriquez - Carlos Rodriquez - Heather Rodriguez ( )  1:37:58   14/16    178   17:46    5   :29  191   54:25  14   :29   68   24:49  1   113  
  15   Leslie Gunn - Heather Gunn - NY  Peter Gunn                 1:45:57   15/16    193   18:24   43  1:10  222 1:03:39  10   :28   27   22:16  1   149  
  16   Marty Johnson - Mike Ciesco - Mike Ciesco ( 195)            1:49:17   16/16    226   23:01   24   :53  174   51:35  31   :34  192   33:14  2   195  

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