2003  URI/UConn/Quinnipiac/HC Indoor Track Meet

 Univ of Conn - Stors,CT |Fri Jan 31,  2003   | Source: Platt Systems

        TEAM SCORES: 1. U Conn, 140; 2. URI, 82; 3. Quinnipiac, 26; 4. HC, 18.                                                                    
                              Men's 55 Meter Dash                              
       1 Roberts, Davon               Connecticut               6.50  1  6     
       2 Washington, Chad             URI                       6.57  1  4     
       3 Holloway, Ernest             Connecticut               6.63  1  3     
       4 Miceli, Steve                URI                       6.66  1  2     
       5 Draffen, Corey               URI                       6.78  1  1     
       6 Egy, Brian                   Connecticut               6.80  2        
       7 Brown, Keith                 URI                       6.86  1        
       8 Green, Luther                URI                       6.87  1        
       9 Flood, Sean                  Holy Cross                6.90  2        
      10 Murgo, Dom                   URI                       6.92  2        
      11 Williams, Wendall            URI                       6.94  2        
      12 Dimauro, Bill                Holy Cross                7.04  2        
      13 Horne, Curtis                URI                       7.14  2        
      14 Oconnor, Ryan                Holy Cross                7.23  2        
                              Men's 200 Meter Dash                             
       1 Draffen, Corey               URI                       23.02  2  6    
       2 Aina, Colin                  URI                       23.13  3  4    
       3 Roberts, Davon               Connecticut               23.20  1  3    
       4 Holloway, Ernest             Connecticut               23.22  2  2    
       5 Johnson, Rob                 URI                       23.57  5  1    
       6 Washington, Chad             URI                       23.77  1       
       7 Morris, Chris                Holy Cross                23.86  5       
       8 Akinsinde, Kayode            URI                       23.87  4       
       9 Flood, Sean                  Holy Cross                23.97  3       
      10 Leader, Robert               Holy Cross                24.45  6       
      11 Brown, Keith                 URI                       24.53  7       
      12 Green, Luther                URI                       24.55  7       
      13 Oconnor, Ryan                Holy Cross                25.21  4       
      14 Williams, Wendall            URI                       25.35  6       
                              Men's 400 Meter Dash                             
       1 Andoscia, Jesse              URI                       50.55  1  6    
       2 Johnson, Rob                 URI                       51.20  1  4    
       3 Siwemuke, Marcus             Connecticut               51.41  1  3    
       4 Trotta, Mike                 URI                       51.75  2  2    
       5 Bishop, Brian                Connecticut               52.01  2  1    
       6 Akinsinde, Kayode            URI                       52.02  2       
       7 Picanco, TJ                  Holy Cross                52.90  3       
       8 Cherami, Nick                Holy Cross                54.46  3       
       9 Jones, Patrick               Holy Cross                54.49  3       
                              Men's 500 Meter Run                              
      1 Mendel, Joe                  Connecticut               1:03.44  1  6   
      2 Jones, Logan                 Connecticut               1:04.45  1  4   
      3 Lopes, Kevin                 URI                       1:06.87  1  3   
      4 Materna, Alex                Holy Cross                1:08.02  2  2   
      5 Shea, Stephen                Holy Cross                1:08.56  3  1   
      6 Popolizio, Dominic           Quinnipiac                1:08.74  2      
      7 Mills, Pat                   URI                       1:09.00  3      
      8 Marsh, Bill                  Quinnipiac                1:09.49  3      
      9 Anzovino, Peter              URI                       1:11.76  2      
                              Men's 800 Meter Run                              
                       Finals Results - Saturday 02/02/02                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
      1 Legare, Joel                 Connecticut               1:51.67  1  6   
      2 Soboleski, Stuart            Connecticut               1:58.33  1  4   
      3 Bober, Andrew                Quinnipiac                2:00.33  1  3   
      4 Bonvehi, Leandro             URI                       2:00.80  1  2   
      5 Bloom, Adam                  URI                       2:01.35  1  1   
      6 Kenney, Bill                 Holy Cross                2:01.99  1      
      7 Pohlig, Jonathan             Holy Cross                2:03.08  2      
      8 Lobue, Dave                  Holy Cross                2:05.08  2      
      9 Donovan, Martin              URI                       2:06.20  2      
     10 Kincaid, Patrick             Holy Cross                2:09.18  2      
     11 Veltro, Jon                  Quinnipiac                2:12.50  2      
                             Men's 1,000 Meter Run                             
       1 Adams, Bereshith             Connecticut               2:32.88   6    
       2 Raymond, Todd                Quinnipiac                2:32.96   4    
       3 Jabaut, Josh                 Quinnipiac                2:33.04   3    
       4 Higgs, Dave                  Connecticut               2:33.18   2    
       5 Kearney, Brendan             Holy Cross                2:35.51   1    
       6 Brink, Greg                  Quinnipiac                2:36.65        
       7 Lucke, Mike                  Holy Cross                2:38.49        
       8 Brodeur, Randy               Holy Cross                2:40.85        
       9 Clark, Andrew                URI                       2:44.73        
      10 flaherty, John               Holy Cross                3:08.17        
      11 McLaughlin, Brett            Holy Cross                3:10.68        
                                Men's 1 Mile Run                               
      1 Goglas, Ken                  Connecticut               4:16.49  1  6   
      2 Fleckenstein, Eric           Connecticut               4:21.43  1  4   
      3 Karatkewicz, Matt            Holy Cross                4:25.41  1  3   
      4 Roginielewicz, Jeff          Quinnipiac                4:27.52  1  2   
      5 Mio, Anthony                 Quinnipiac                4:32.10  1  1   
      6 Clifford, james              Holy Cross                4:33.50  2      
      7 Hoffman, John                URI                       4:35.50  2      
      8 Heffron, Rich                Quinnipiac                4:36.05  1      
      9 Poland, Kyle                 URI                       4:36.35  2      
     10 Driscoll, Mike               Quinnipiac                4:39.09  1      
     11 Murphy, Timothy              Holy Cross                4:39.48  2      
     12 Henault, Cole                URI                       4:42.91  2      
     13 Mckeon, James                Holy Cross                4:44.54  2      
     14 Wiemers, William             Holy Cross                4:51.85  2      
     15 Zolgg, Matt                  Holy Cross                4:55.63  2      
     16 Harris, Terrill              Holy Cross                5:02.02  2      
     17 Michienzi, Matthew           Holy Cross                5:13.06  2      
                             Men's 3,000 Meter Run                             
       1 Blake, Pat                   Connecticut               8:51.35   6    
       2 Sinnott, Andrew              Quinnipiac                8:53.33   4    
       3 Charron, Mike                Quinnipiac                8:55.59   3    
       4 Moylan, Tim                  Quinnipiac                9:11.00   2    
       5 Henault, Cole                URI                       9:19.83   1    
       6 Poland, Kyle                 URI                       9:19.85        
       7 Hughes, Edward               Holy Cross                9:22.69        
       8 Speer, Own                   Holy Cross                9:25.61        
       9 Fitzpatrick, Conor           Holy Cross                9:36.33        
      10 Hoffman, John                URI                       9:45.95        
      11 Zolotas, Stew                Holy Cross                9:49.75        
                          Men's 55 Meter High Hurdles                          
       1 Aina, Colin                  URI                       7.45  1  6     
       2 Gross, Rick                  Connecticut               7.45  1  4     
       3 Delgado, Mike                Connecticut               7.57  1  3     
       4 Kretschmer, Cody             Connecticut               7.82  2  2     
       5 Conti, Dan                   Holy Cross                7.87  1  1     
       6 Caldwell, Chad               Connecticut               8.05  1        
       7 Dicola, Joe                  Connecticut               8.11  1        
       8 Mills, Pat                   URI                       8.52  1        
       9 McDaniel, Herbert            URI                       8.82  2        
       - Siwemuke, Marcus             Connecticut                DNF  1        
                            Men's 4x400 Meter Relay                            
               1  CONN      Connecticut               3:21.64  1  6            
               2  URI       URI                       3:22.94  1  4            
               3  HC        Holy Cross                3:27.79  1  3            
               4  URI  "B"  URI                       3:29.20  2               
               5  QUIN      Quinnipiac                3:31.39  2               
                            Men's 4x800 Meter Relay                            
                       Finals Results - Saturday 02/02/02                      
            PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME    PTS             
                1  CONN      Connecticut               8:01.68   6             
                2  QUIN      Quinnipiac                8:12.25   4             
                3  URI       URI                       8:37.39   3             
                4  QUIN "B"  Quinnipiac                8:52.83                 
                                Men's High Jump                                
        1 Deibler, Mike              Connecticut         2.03m 6'08.00  6      
        2 Lina, Evan                 URI                 1.98m 6'06.00  4      
        3 Delgado, Mike              Connecticut         1.93m 6'04.00  3      
        4 Lopes, Kevin               URI                 1.88m 6'02.00  2      
        5 Ryan, Dan                  Holy Cross          1.83m 6'00.00  1      
        6 Houtman, Isaiah            Holy Cross          1.78m 5'10.00         
        7 Horne, Curtis              URI                 1.78m 5'10.00         
        7 Draffen, Corey             URI                 1.78m 5'10.00         
        9 Caldwell, Chad             Connecticut         1.78m 5'10.00         
                                Men's Pole Vault                               
                       Finals Results - Saturday 02/02/02                      
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS    
        1 Dicola, Joe                Connecticut         4.80m 15'09.00  6     
        2 Mazza, Chris               Connecticut         4.80m 15'09.00  4     
        3 Thomas, Will               Connecticut         4.65m 15'03.00  3     
        4 Malatesta, Mark            Connecticut         4.50m 14'09.00  2     
        5 Tepaske, Jonas             Connecticut         4.50m 14'09.00  1     
        6 Bilbruck, Dustin           URI                 4.50m 14'09.00        
        7 Boney, Mike                Connecticut         4.20m 13'09.25        
        - Radzewich, Jake            Connecticut            NH                 
        - Caldwell, Chad             Connecticut            NH                 
        - Majewski, Taylor           URI                    NH                 
                                Men's Long Jump                                
        1 Egy, Brian                 Connecticut         7.24m 23'09.00  6     
        2 Aina, Colin                URI                 7.01m 23'00.00  4     
        3 Bilbruck, Dustin           URI                 6.83m 22'05.00  3     
        4 Washington, Chad           URI                 6.71m 22'00.25  2     
        5 Green, Jon                 URI                 6.63m 21'09.00  1     
        6 Stone, Andrew              Holy Cross          6.45m 21'02.00        
        7 Cousin, Steve              Connecticut         6.35m 20'10.00        
        8 Conti, Dan                 Holy Cross          5.83m 19'01.50        
        9 Dimauro, Bill              Holy Cross          5.82m 19'01.25        
                               Men's Triple Jump                               
       1 Cousin, Steve              Connecticut         14.34m 47'00.75  6     
       2 Washington, Chad           URI                 14.16m 46'05.50  4     
       3 Lina, Evan                 URI                 13.42m 44'00.50  3     
       4 Green, Jon                 URI                 13.40m 43'11.75  2     
       5 Houtman, Isaiah            Holy Cross          12.77m 41'10.75  1     
       6 Ryan, Dan                  Holy Cross          12.55m 41'02.25        
       - Green, Luther              URI                   FOUL                 
       - Jones, Patrick             Holy Cross            FOUL                 
                                 Men's Shot Put                                
       1 Mcgovern, Steve            Connecticut         15.38m 50'05.50  6     
       2 Pisano, Paul               Connecticut         15.12m 49'07.25  4     
       3 Thomas, Will               Connecticut         14.99m 49'02.25  3     
       4 Henclewood, Dwayne         Holy Cross          14.57m 47'09.75  2     
       5 Franzinger, Ryan           Holy Cross          14.07m 46'02.00  1     
       6 Curran, Joe                URI                 13.24m 43'05.25        
       7 Boney, Mike                Connecticut         13.23m 43'05.00        
       8 Isaacs, Aaron              Connecticut         13.05m 42'09.75        
       9 Seixas, Azizi              Holy Cross          12.83m 42'01.25        
      10 Bilbruck, Dustin           URI                 12.20m 40'00.50        
      11 Conti, Dan                 Holy Cross          11.38m 37'04.00        
      12 Oconnor, Ryan              Holy Cross          11.09m 36'04.75        
      13 Hibdon, Joe                Holy Cross          10.25m 33'07.50        
                               Men's Weight Throw                              
       1 Johnston, William          URI                 17.59m 57'08.50  6     
       2 Thayer, Luke               Connecticut         17.31m 56'09.50  4     
       3 Barth, John                Connecticut         16.15m 53'00.00  3     
       4 Phelan, Bill               Holy Cross          16.02m 52'06.75  2     
       5 Reid, Andre                URI                 15.06m 49'05.00  1     
       6 Carroll, Ben               URI                 14.05m 46'01.25        
       7 Curran, Joe                URI                 13.76m 45'01.75        
       8 Isaacs, Aaron              Connecticut         13.40m 43'11.75        
       9 Mcgovern, Steve            Connecticut         13.14m 43'01.50        
      10 Franzinger, Ryan           Holy Cross          12.97m 42'06.75      

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